1. Go to Payroll Processing > Payroll Entry > Time Entry Grid to enter hours, commission, bonuses, or other earnings
2. After entering data in Time Entry Grid, Go to Payroll Processing > Close Pay Period & click “preview payroll”
3. This will open a “Last Preview Results” menu. Select various reports to preview from the dropdown.
- Payroll register – shows gross to net per employee earnings, deductions, taxes
- Payroll summary -shows total cash requirement for payroll
- New hire and change audit – shows changes made to pay rates, direct deposit info, etc
- Exceptions – details any issues with the current processing
- Others available as needed
4. If satisfied, click process/submit payroll. Click the acknowledge box and payroll is complete!
a. If not satisfied, make adjustments by going back to step 1 and making changes as necessary
b. You MUST re-click “preview payroll” in step 2 for the changes to take effect. Be sure to re-preview your reports before clicking “process/submit”
5. Reports are available in Reporting > Report Archive immediately after you process