Note: this article may contain more functions than your employer has elected to use. You may search for the topic you are interested in within the article.
iSolved | Go is an optional add-on for the iSolved platform that allows employees and supervisors to punch in and out from an Android or Apple smart phone. While the app is free, there may be a charge for the ability to use the mobile application for some customers, so please check with your company supervisor if you are unsure if your company elected to use this application.
Information entered via iSolved | Go is securely stored in the iSolved database and can be used interchangeable with the other forms of data entry. Punches can be made from a physical time clock, the ESS screens of iSolved, or the iSolved | Go app. For example, your “IN” punch for the day can be entered at your desk using ESS, while your lunch and/or “OUT” punch can be entered via your mobile as you are waiting for the elevator at the end of the day.
This guide includes instructions on how to download and install iSolved | Go from the Google Play/Apple Store, and how to use the application to punch in and out as an employee.
The entire User's Guide (457) is attached to the this article.